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News & Press

For Media Inquiries:

Quinn Luehring-Buerkett, Director of Marketing and Communications | | (850) 480-5598


Providence Manor Entrance Landscaping – Completed October 2017

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Pensacola Habitat for Humanity NR Department partnered with the Providence Manor II Homeowners' Association, residents of a 74-lot Habitat for Humanity subdivision, to develop a landscape plan, purchase plants and planting amendments, prepare the planting beds, plant the trees and shrubs, and finally, mulch the entire bed. This entrance area planting bed is 200+ feet long by approximately 8-12 feet wide (laid out in a curvilinear shape. Winter rye was seeded in all the areas that were not planted. This project involved 20 residents (from 12 years old to 60+ years old) and took several weeks from beginning to plan the beds, add topsoil and roto-till the massive bed. Finally, the actual day of planting took about 6 hours for the volunteers to install the trees and shrubs, water them and add mulch. The trees and shrubs are predominantly native to Pensacola or naturalized so that they won't require an irrigation system as long as hand watering is done during times of extremely low rainfall or drought.