KABOOM Playground at Camshire Meadows - Completed April 2017
From the time that the Camshire Meadows Subdivision (99 single-family Habitat homes) was built out in 2013, building a playground was identified by the residents as one of the primary needs for the community. However, there was no funding available except for HOA dues assessments and it was going to take quite a few years to raise enough money from those funds alone. In 2017, the HOA, with technical assistance from Pensacola Habitat began the process of applying for a KaBOOM playground grant.
This process first involved formation of a planning committee - in charge of getting input from all the residents as to the type of playground elements they wanted and how residents wanted to contribute in fundraising or assisting with building the playground. Then the really hard part started - which was finding the $30,000 + needed to construct the improvements accessory to the playground that were required by the County (i.e., plans, permitting, construction of a parking lot, etc.). Donations came from Camshire residents themselves, local businesses and corporations, grant awards, professional fees, and in-kind services and materials. Only when the HOA knew that all the money was going to be available were they able to order the playground equipment and begin to plan the actual construction process and build day activities.
This tremendous - and first-time effort for most of the people involved - came to a culmination in April 2018 when the playground was COMPLETE!